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Ambassador of Canada to Indonesia, Cameron MacKay poses with the Regent of Klungkung, I Nyoman Suwirta and wife. Photo: PR Klungkung

NUSA PENIDA, 29 March 2021 – Ambassador of Canada to Indonesia, H.E Cameron MacKay paid a visit to the Nusa Penida area, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province. This visit was carried out in order to see the development of innovation in the Nusa Penida area supported by NSLIC / NSELRED, a project funded by the Government of Canada in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia represented by the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas, and implemented by Cowater International Inc.

Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia who was accompanied by the Regent of Klungkung, I Nyoman Suwirta, was welcomed in Nusa Penida by the Head of the Nusa Penida Sub-District, I Komang Widyasa Putra. During the visit, which was carried out with the fairly strict COVID19 protocol, Ambassador MacKay saw directly the cassava plantation, coconut plantation, seaweed cultivation, as well as the innovation of derivative products such as modified cassava flour, pies and cookies made by women’s groups in Ped Village, Toya Pakeh Village, and Sakti Village. Communities in the three villages are beneficiaries of the Responsive Innovation Fund (RIF) program, a scheme under the NSLIC / NSELRED Project.

Ambassador MacKay and Bupati Suwirta visited cassava plantation owned by Ibu Miniarti, one of RIF beneficiaries in Ped Village, Nusa Penida. Photo: PR Klungkung

Seaweed has been the main resources of the people of Nusa Penida for a long time. Photo: PR Klungkung

The Regent (in Indonesia: Bupati) of Klungkung greatly appreciates the arrival of the Ambassador of Canada to Indonesia, and is grateful for the support of the Canadian Government for his region. According to Bupati Suwirta, the people of Nusa Penida experience an increase in skills and knowledge in strengthening institutions and in producing quality derivative products. “The products produced will be branded with one regional branding which can become a uniqueness for Nusa Penida”, he explained.

Apart from focusing the economy improvement of local communities, the Government of Canada also emphasizes the importance of the role of women in the value chain of economic activities. On this visit the Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia sat down with several women representatives from farmer groups, Joint Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDESMA), Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes), and Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) to have a fruitful discussion about the challenges and opportunities in develop their business.

Ambassador MacKay in his remarks emphasized the importance of good cooperation in the COVID-19 situation for a resilient and sustainable economy. “We are very grateful for the support of all parties involved in the visit to Nusa Penida. This trip has taught us many things,” he concluded.

Focus Group Discussion with the RIF beneficiaries Women’s Groups. Photo: NSLIC/NSELRED

In early 2020, Klungkung Regency has received financial support and technical assistance from the NSLIC / NSELRED project through the Phase Three of RIF program. This assistance is utilized by the Klungkung Regency Government to develop a regional innovation called Rumah Keong, as the center of the value chain for the development of agricultural derivative products in support of the Nusa Penida tourism program. Rumah Keong itself is an abbreviation of the leading commodities in the Nusa Penida area, namely the seaweed (RUmput laut), mango (MAngga/poH), coconut (KElapa), and cassava (singkONG).

RIF’s support for the development of Rumah Keong generally targets a variety of derivative products that can be added value for leading commodities. For example, mangoes are processed into fruit leather, jams, syrups and essential oils. The products produced will be assisted in obtaining several business licenses in order to expand market share. In addition, community groups who are beneficiaries are also assisted intensively to strengthen the institutional capacity of BumdesMa and their human resources so that they are able to manage these products.

The RIF program, which has entered its final stage, encourages selected areas to be able to adapt to the current pandemic conditions which rely heavily on the role of technology, including digital technology. Apart from Klungkung Regency, the Phase III RIF program also supports innovations from Buleleng Regency, Belitung Regency, Bengkayang Regency, Mamuju Regency, and Pandeglang Regency.


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