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The RIF (Responsive Innovation Fund) NSLIC/NSELRED Project team, in collaboration with I Made Janur Yasa, founder of Plastic Exchange, has invited the people of Nusa Penida and Tabanan to have a study visit to the waste reduction program that has been started since 2014 in Abiansemal Kajejau, Lodtunduh, and Cemenggon in Gianyar Regency, Bali. The representatives of Bapperlitbang Tabanan, the Sub-District Office of Nusa Penida, and initiators schools also participated in the visit.

These areas have successfully implemented a plastic exchange program by exchanging non-organic waste with rice in collaboration with the Waste Bank in the village. In addition, 350 families have used an organic waste pit called Tebe Modern as deep as 1.5-2 meters so that within 6-8 months, the organic waste in the hole can be decomposed and become compost. The Cemenggon area even managed to reduce the cost of a waste management site from 50 million rupiahs to only 5.5 million rupiahs per month in one traditional village.
Moreover, The RIF NSLIC/NSELRED Project team also conducted socialization in Regencies of Tabanan and Nusa Penida and analyzed field conditions for Tebe Modern to be created as a pilot project supported by NSLIC/NSELRED by procuring 100 Tebe Modern units for each district. This pilot project is planned to be implemented in Batu Nunggul Village, SD Negeri 1 Batununggul and SD Negeri 1 Kutampi in Nusa Penida Regency. Meanwhile, in Tabanan Regency, it will be carried out in Dajan Peken Village and 3 initiators schools, namely SMP 2 Kediri, SMP 3 Selemadeg Timur and SD 2 Dajan.

NSLIC/NSELRED Project is undertaken in partnership with the Government of Indonesia through the National Planning Agency (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas) with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The project is implemented by Cowater International

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