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Population : 110.700 (56.090/M, 54.610/F)

Number of subdistrict : 11

Number of village : 123 Desa

Percentage of poor people on year 2015 : 18.93%

Percentage of poor people on year 2016: 6,05 %

Poor villages/subdistricts: Subdistrict of Anggrek (Village Dudepo, Helumo, Hialooiyile, Ibarat, Ilangata, Iloheluma, Motilango, Putiana, Tolango, and Tolongio); Subdistrict of Atinggola (Village Ilomata, Imana, iloheluma, Kota jin Utara, oluhuta, sigaso, tumbililato, Wapalo); Subdistrict of Biau (Village Bohulo, Bualo, Didingga, Omuto, Potanga, Topi); Subdistrict of Gentuma Raya (Village Dumolodo, Durian, Ipilo, Ketapang, Motomingo, Molonggota, Nanati Jaya and Pasalae); Subdistrict of Kwandang (Village Alata Karya, Botungobungo, Botuwombato, Bualemo, Bulalo, Cisadane, Katialada, Leboto, masuru, Molingkapoto selatan, Mootinelo, Ombulodata, Pontolo, Poso, and Titidu); Subdistrict of Monano (Village Garapia, Mokonowu, Monano, Monas, Pilohulata, Sogu, Tudi, and Zuriyati); Subdistrict of Ponelo Kepulauan (Village Malambe, Otiola, Ponelo and Tihengo); Subdistrict of Sumalata (Village Bulontio Barat, Bulontio Timur, Hutokalo, Kikia, Lelato, Mebongo, Pulahenti, and Tumba); Subdistrict of Sumalata Timur (Village Bubalango, Buladu, Deme I, Deme II, Dulukapa, Hulawa, Koluwoka, Motihelumo, and Wubudu); Subdistrict of Tolinggula (Village Ilotunggula, Limbato, Molangga, Papualangi, Tolinggula Pantai, Tolinggula Tengah, Tolite Jaya, and Tolinggula Ulu); Subdistrict of Tomilito (Village Bubode, Bulango Raya, Dambalo, Huidumelito, Jembatan Merah, Leyao, Milango, Molantadu, Mutiara Laut, and Tanjung Karang)

Economic commodities: Farming, Livestock & Fisheries

Number of priority commotities area: Rice Production 11,784 Ha; Corn Production 16,516 Ha; Grassland 60,982 Ha

Agency in term of priority economic commodities: Agency of Farming, Agency of Fisheries

Potential banking in term of priority economic commodities: BRI, BNI, MANDIRI

Non-Government Organization that support priority economic commodities:

Number of SME and Cooperation: 618

Number of SME and Cooperation comply with priority economic commodities :45

Kind of licenses that managed by OSS: 1. Licence business multisector; 2. License business multisector expansion; 3. License capital investment principle; 4. License fro trading; 5. License for livestock business; 6. ‘Hinder Ordonantie’ License.

Number of employee:


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