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Bapak Purnomo, Head of Farmers Group in Toabo Village as a beneficiary of the RIF program. Photo: NSLIC/NSELRED

Facing the conditions and problems of cattle farming and its management where the environment has been part of the problem, the NSLIC / NSELRED project together with the Regional Government and related parties in the National Development Priority Area (KPPN) of Manakarra Berdaya, Mamuju Regency, is developing an environmentally friendly and sustainable cattle farm management pilot. Through the Responsive Innovation Fund (RIF) program, innovations are carried out in the form of improving the overall management of the cattle farm including the development of the Posyandu Sapi or cattle farming development, Compost Houses, healthy cattle sheds, provision of healthy feed, and cattle health improvement.

According to cattle breeders in Toabo Village and Papalang Village, there have been many issues occur especially with regard to environmental issues. The cattle feed contains very high methane gas as it comes from high fiber plants, inadequate and unhygienic conditions of the cattle sheds, poor waste handling where liquid waste is disposed of directly into the river, and the large amount of solid waste left in the enclosure area which creates odors and adversely affects the health of local residents.

For this reason, RIF tries to change the behavior of farmers in terms of improving the composition of feed and institutionalized good management of cattle farms. All of these efforts need to be supported at the policy level. The Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda), the Environmental Agency and the Animal Husbandry Agency of Mamuju Regency are committed to providing support for innovation in this area in terms of policies or programs for environmentally friendly livestock management.

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